Discrete Structures


Propositional Logic

Propositional logic deals with statements that are either true or false.

  • Negation: If ( P ) is a proposition, then the negation of ( P ) is written as ( \neg P ).
  • Conjunction: If ( P ) and ( Q ) are propositions, then the conjunction of ( P ) and ( Q ) is written as ( P \land Q ).
  • Disjunction: If ( P ) and ( Q ) are propositions, then the disjunction of ( P ) and ( Q ) is written as ( P \lor Q ).

Examples: \[ \neg P \]

\[ P \land Q \]

\[ P \lor Q \]

Truth Tables

Truth tables are used to determine the truth value of logical expressions.

Example for ( P \land Q ):

( P )( Q )( P \land Q )

Logical Laws

CategoryLaw NameLogical Expression
Identity LawsIdentity for (\land)\[ P \land \text{true} \equiv P \]
Identity for (\lor)\[ P \lor \text{false} \equiv P \]
Domination LawsDomination for (\lor)\[ P \lor \text{true} \equiv \text{true} \]
Domination for (\land)\[ P \land \text{false} \equiv \text{false} \]
Idempotent LawsIdempotent for (\lor)\[ P \lor P \equiv P \]
Idempotent for (\land)\[ P \land P \equiv P \]
Double Negation\[ \neg (\neg P) \equiv P \]
Commutative LawsCommutative for (\lor)\[ P \lor Q \equiv Q \lor P \]
Commutative for (\land)\[ P \land Q \equiv Q \land P \]
Associative LawsAssociative for (\lor)\[ (P \lor Q) \lor R \equiv P \lor (Q \lor R) \]
Associative for (\land)\[ (P \land Q) \land R \equiv P \land (Q \land R) \]
Distributive LawsDistributive of (\land) over (\lor)\[ P \land (Q \lor R) \equiv (P \land Q) \lor (P \land R) \]
Distributive of (\lor) over (\land)\[ P \lor (Q \land R) \equiv (P \lor Q) \land (P \lor R) \]
De Morgan's LawsDe Morgan for (\land)\[ \neg (P \land Q) \equiv \neg P \lor \neg Q \]
De Morgan for (\lor)\[ \neg (P \lor Q) \equiv \neg P \land \neg Q \]
Absorption LawsAbsorption for (\lor)\[ P \lor (P \land Q) \equiv P \]
Absorption for (\land)\[ P \land (P \lor Q) \equiv P \]
Negation LawsNegation of (\lor)\[ P \lor \neg P \equiv \text{true} \]
Negation of (\land)\[ P \land \neg P \equiv \text{false} \]
Propositional LawsContradiction Law\[ \neg \text{true} \equiv \text{false} \]
Tautology Law\[ \neg \text{false} \equiv \text{true} \]
Implication LawsImplication Definition\[ P \to Q \equiv \neg P \lor Q \]
Contrapositive\[ P \to Q \equiv \neg Q \to \neg P \]
Implication Identity\[ P \to P \equiv \text{true} \]
Exportation\[ (P \to (Q \to R)) \equiv ((P \land Q) \to R) \]
Hypothetical Syllogism\[ (P \to Q) \land (Q \to R) \to (P \to R) \]
Biconditional LawsBiconditional Definition\[ P \leftrightarrow Q \equiv (P \to Q) \land (Q \to P) \]
Biconditional Commutative\[ P \leftrightarrow Q \equiv Q \leftrightarrow P \]
Biconditional Associative\[ (P \leftrightarrow Q) \leftrightarrow R \equiv P \leftrightarrow (Q \leftrightarrow R) \]
Biconditional Identity\[ P \leftrightarrow P \equiv \text{true} \]
Quantifier LawsUniversal Instantiation\[ (\forall x , P(x)) \to P(c) \]
Existential Instantiation\[ (\exists x , P(x)) \to P(c) \]
Universal Generalization\[ P(c) \to (\forall x , P(x)) \]
Existential Generalization\[ P(c) \to (\exists x , P(x)) \]
Negation of Universal Quantifier\[ \neg (\forall x , P(x)) \equiv \exists x , \neg P(x) \]
Negation of Existential Quantifier\[ \neg (\exists x , P(x)) \equiv \forall x , \neg P(x) \]
Set LawsUnion with Universal Set\[ A \cup U = U \]
Intersection with Universal Set\[ A \cap U = A \]
Union with Empty Set\[ A \cup \emptyset = A \]
Intersection with Empty Set\[ A \cap \emptyset = \emptyset \]
Complement Laws\[ A \cup A' = U \]
\[ A \cap A' = \emptyset \]
Additional LawsDistributive for Quantifiers\[ \forall x (P(x) \land Q(x)) \equiv (\forall x , P(x)) \land (\forall x , Q(x)) \]
\[ \exists x (P(x) \lor Q(x)) \equiv (\exists x , P(x)) \lor (\exists x , Q(x)) \]


A set is a collection of distinct objects.

Set Operations

  • Union: The union of sets ( A ) and ( B ) is written as ( A \cup B ).
  • Intersection: The intersection of sets ( A ) and ( B ) is written as ( A \cap B ).
  • Difference: The difference of sets ( A ) and ( B ) is written as ( A - B ).

Examples: \[ A \cup B \]

\[ A \cap B \]

\[ A - B \]

Cartesian Product

The Cartesian product of sets ( A ) and ( B ) is written as ( A \times B ).

Example: \[ A \times B = { (a, b) \mid a \in A, b \in B } \]


A function ( f ) from a set ( A ) to a set ( B ) is a rule that assigns to each element of ( A ) exactly one element of ( B ).

Function Notation

If ( f ) is a function from ( A ) to ( B ), we write ( f: A \to B ).

Example: \[ f(x) = x^2 \]

Types of Functions

  • Injective (One-to-One): A function ( f ) is injective if ( f(a) = f(b) ) implies ( a = b ).
  • Surjective (Onto): A function ( f ) is surjective if for every ( b \in B ), there exists ( a \in A ) such that ( f(a) = b ).
  • Bijective: A function ( f ) is bijective if it is both injective and surjective.


A relation ( R ) from a set ( A ) to a set ( B ) is a subset of ( A \times B ).

Properties of Relations

  • Reflexive: A relation ( R ) on a set ( A ) is reflexive if ( (a, a) \in R ) for all ( a \in A ).
  • Symmetric: A relation ( R ) on a set ( A ) is symmetric if ( (a, b) \in R ) implies ( (b, a) \in R ).
  • Transitive: A relation ( R ) on a set ( A ) is transitive if ( (a, b) \in R ) and ( (b, c) \in R ) imply ( (a, c) \in R ).


Basic Principles

  • Addition Principle: If there are ( n ) ways to do something and ( m ) ways to do another thing, and these two things cannot be done at the same time, then there are ( n + m ) ways to choose one of the actions.
  • Multiplication Principle: If there are ( n ) ways to do something and ( m ) ways to do another thing after that, then there are ( n \times m ) ways to do both actions.


A permutation of a set is an arrangement of its elements in a specific order.

Example for permutations of a set with ( n ) elements: \[ P(n) = n! \]


A combination is a selection of items from a larger pool where the order does not matter.

Example for combinations of ( n ) elements taken ( r ) at a time: \[ C(n, r) = \frac{n!}{r!(n-r)!} \]

Graph Theory

Basic Definitions

  • Graph: A graph ( G ) consists of a set of vertices ( V ) and a set of edges ( E ).
  • Directed Graph (Digraph): A graph where edges have a direction.

Types of Graphs

  • Complete Graph: A graph in which there is a unique edge between every pair of vertices.
  • Bipartite Graph: A graph whose vertices can be divided into two disjoint sets such that every edge connects a vertex in one set to a vertex in the other set.

Graph Representation

  • Adjacency Matrix: A square matrix used to represent a finite graph.
  • Adjacency List: A collection of lists or sets used to represent a graph.

Example Graph Theory Problems

Eulerian Path

An Eulerian path in a graph is a path that visits every edge exactly once.

Hamiltonian Path

A Hamiltonian path in a graph is a path that visits every vertex exactly once.

[ \text{Example Graph Theory Equations:} ]

Euler's formula for planar graphs: \[ V - E + F = 2 \]

This content covers the basics of discrete structures in computer science. Each topic includes definitions, examples, and relevant equations formatted using MathJax for mdBook.