Cheatsheet DUMP
Bash Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
ls | List directory contents |
cd | Change directory |
pwd | Print working directory |
cp source destination | Copy files or directories |
mv source destination | Move/rename files or directories |
rm file | Remove files |
mkdir directory | Create a new directory |
rmdir directory | Remove an empty directory |
echo "text" | Print text to the terminal |
cat file | Concatenate and display file content |
less file | View file content one screen at a time |
grep "pattern" file | Search for a pattern in a file |
find path -name "pattern" | Find files and directories |
ps aux | Display currently running processes |
kill PID | Kill a process by PID |
top | Display and update sorted process list |
chmod permissions file | Change file permissions |
chown user:group file | Change file owner and group |
df -h | Display disk usage in human-readable format |
du -sh directory | Display directory size in human-readable format |
ln -s target link_name | Create a symbolic link |
alias name='command' | Create an alias for a command |
export VARIABLE=value | Set an environment variable |
history | Show command history |
tar -czf archive.tar.gz file | Create a compressed archive using gzip |
tar -xzf archive.tar.gz | Extract a compressed archive using gzip |
uptime | Show how long the system has been running |
whoami | Display the current username |
sudo command | Execute a command as the superuser |
ssh user@host | Connect to a remote host via SSH |
scp source user@host:destination | Copy files over SSH |
crontab -e | Edit cron jobs |
jobs | List background jobs |
bg job_id | Resume a background job |
fg job_id | Bring a background job to the foreground |
nohup command & | Run a command immune to hangups |
diff file1 file2 | Compare the contents of two files |
source file | Read and execute commands from a file in the current shell |
Redirection Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
command > file | Redirect standard output (stdout) to a file (overwrite) |
command >> file | Redirect standard output (stdout) to a file (append) |
command 2> file | Redirect standard error (stderr) to a file (overwrite) |
command 2>> file | Redirect standard error (stderr) to a file (append) |
command &> file | Redirect both standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) to a file (overwrite) |
command &>> file | Redirect both standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) to a file (append) |
command < file | Redirect input from a file |
command <<< "string" | Redirect a string as input |
command1 \| command2 | Use the output of command1 as input for command2 (pipe) |
command1 \|& command2 | Pipe both stdout and stderr of command1 to command2 (bash 4.0+) |
command > /dev/null | Discard standard output (stdout) |
command 2> /dev/null | Discard standard error (stderr) |
command &> /dev/null | Discard both standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) |
command > file 2>&1 | Redirect stdout to a file and stderr to the same file |
command 2>&1 > file | Redirect stderr to the current stdout, then redirect stdout to a file |
command1 2>&1 \| command2 | Redirect both stdout and stderr of command1 to command2 |
command > file1 2> file2 | Redirect stdout to file1 and stderr to file2 |
command < file1 > file2 | Redirect input from file1 and output to file2 |
exec > file | Redirect all subsequent stdout in the script to a file |
exec 2> file | Redirect all subsequent stderr in the script to a file |
exec > /dev/tty | Restore stdout to the terminal |
exec 2> /dev/tty | Restore stderr to the terminal |
command1 \| tee file | Pipe output of command1 to file and also display it on the terminal |
command1 \| tee -a file | Pipe output of command1 to file (append) and also display it on the terminal |
command << EOF | Here document: redirect multiple lines of input to a command until EOF |
command <<- EOF | Here document with leading tab strip: redirect input until EOF |
command <&- | Close standard input (stdin) |
command >&- | Close standard output (stdout) |
command 2>&- | Close standard error (stderr) |
Important System Directories and Files
Directory/File | Description |
/etc/passwd | User account information |
/etc/shadow | Secure user account information (passwords) |
/etc/group | Group account information |
/etc/gshadow | Secure group account information |
/etc/fstab | Filesystem mount table |
/etc/hosts | Static table lookup for hostnames |
/etc/resolv.conf | DNS server information |
/etc/hostname | System's hostname |
/etc/sysconfig/network | Basic network configuration |
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ | Network scripts and configuration files |
/etc/crontab | Cron job schedule |
/etc/cron.d/ | Additional cron job schedules |
/etc/ssh/sshd_config | SSH server configuration |
/etc/sudoers | sudo configuration file |
/etc/systemd/system/ | Systemd unit files for services and targets |
/etc/selinux/config | SELinux configuration file |
/etc/yum.conf | YUM package manager configuration |
/etc/yum.repos.d/ | Repository configuration files for YUM |
Directory/File | Description |
/var/log/ | Directory containing log files |
/var/log/messages | General system log file |
/var/log/secure | Security and authentication log |
/var/log/audit/ | Audit log files |
/var/log/dmesg | Kernel ring buffer log |
/var/log/httpd/ | Apache HTTP server logs |
/var/spool/cron/ | User crontab files |
/var/spool/mail/ | User mail files |
/var/lib/ | Variable state information |
/var/lib/mysql/ | MySQL database files |
/var/lib/pgsql/ | PostgreSQL database files |
/var/www/html/ | Default directory for web server content |
Directory/File | Description |
/usr/bin/ | User binaries |
/usr/sbin/ | System binaries |
/usr/local/ | Local software and custom scripts |
/usr/share/ | Shared data and resources for applications |
/usr/lib/ | Libraries for binaries in /usr/bin and /usr/sbin |
/usr/lib64/ | 64-bit libraries |
/usr/include/ | Header files for C programming |
/usr/src/ | Source code files |
/usr/share/doc/ | Documentation files for installed packages |
/usr/share/man/ | Manual pages |
Directory/File | Description |
/boot/vmlinuz- | Linux kernel image |
/boot/initramfs- | Initial RAM filesystem |
/boot/grub2/ | GRUB 2 bootloader configuration and files |
/boot/efi/ | EFI boot files |
Directory/File | Description |
/proc/cpuinfo | CPU information |
/proc/meminfo | Memory information |
/proc/version | Kernel version |
/proc/cmdline | Kernel command line |
/proc/devices | Device information |
/proc/diskstats | Disk statistics |
/proc/uptime | System uptime |
/proc/loadavg | System load average |
/proc/mounts | Mounted filesystems |
/proc/partitions | Partition information |
/proc/swaps | Swap space utilization |
/proc/sys/ | Kernel tunable parameters |
/proc/net/ | Network status information |
Directory/File | Description |
/sys/class/ | Information about device classes |
/sys/block/ | Information about block devices |
/sys/fs/ | Filesystem information |
/sys/kernel/ | Kernel information and tunable parameters |
/sys/module/ | Information about loaded kernel modules |
/sys/devices/ | Information about devices |
Directory/File | Description |
/dev/sda | First SCSI disk drive |
/dev/sdb | Second SCSI disk drive |
/dev/tty | Terminal devices |
/dev/null | Null device (discard output) |
/dev/random | Random number generator |
/dev/urandom | Non-blocking random number generator |
Vim Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
i | Enter insert mode |
Esc | Exit insert mode |
:w | Save the file |
:q | Quit Vim |
:wq | Save and quit Vim |
:q! | Quit without saving |
:e filename | Open a file |
:n | Open the next file |
:p | Open the previous file |
/pattern | Search for a pattern |
n | Repeat the last search |
N | Repeat the last search in the opposite direction |
:s/old/new/g | Replace all occurrences of old with new in the current line |
:%s/old/new/g | Replace all occurrences of old with new in the file |
yy | Yank (copy) the current line |
p | Paste the yanked text |
dd | Delete the current line |
u | Undo the last action |
Ctrl-r | Redo the last undone action |
gg | Go to the first line of the file |
G | Go to the last line of the file |
0 | Go to the beginning of the line |
$ | Go to the end of the line |
dG | Delete from the current line to the end of the file |
v | Enter visual mode |
V | Enter visual line mode |
Ctrl-v | Enter visual block mode |
:help | Open Vim help |
:!command | Execute an external command |
:r !command | Read the output of a command into the current file |
:set number | Show line numbers |
:set nonumber | Hide line numbers |
:syntax on | Enable syntax highlighting |
:syntax off | Disable syntax highlighting |
tmux Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
tmux new -s session_name | Create a new session named session_name |
tmux attach -t session_name | Attach to an existing session named session_name |
tmux list-sessions | List all sessions |
tmux kill-session -t session_name | Kill the session named session_name |
tmux new-window -n window_name | Create a new window named window_name |
tmux split-window -h | Split the current window horizontally |
tmux split-window -v | Split the current window vertically |
tmux select-pane -t :0 | Select pane 0 |
tmux resize-pane -L | Resize the current pane to the left |
tmux resize-pane -R | Resize the current pane to the right |
tmux resize-pane -U | Resize the current pane upwards |
tmux resize-pane -D | Resize the current pane downwards |
tmux kill-pane -t pane_number | Kill the pane with the specified pane_number |
tmux list-windows | List all windows in the current session |
tmux kill-window -t window_number | Kill the window with the specified window_number |
tmux rename-window new_name | Rename the current window to new_name |
tmux list-panes | List all panes in the current window |
tmux swap-pane -s pane1 -t pane2 | Swap the position of pane1 and pane2 |
tmux move-pane -t target_pane | Move the current pane to target_pane |
tmux set-option -g prefix C-a | Change the prefix key to Ctrl-a |
tmux bind-key [key] [command] | Bind a key to a tmux command |
tmux unbind-key [key] | Unbind a key from a tmux command |
tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf | Reload the tmux configuration file |
tmux save-buffer ~/buffer.txt | Save the tmux paste buffer to a file |
tmux show-options -g | Show all global options |
tmux display-message "message" | Display a message in the status line |
tmux clock-mode | Enter clock mode in the current pane |
tmux list-keys | List all key bindings |
tmux capture-pane -S -100 | Capture the last 100 lines of the current pane |
tmux show-environment | Show the tmux environment variables |
tmux detach-client -t session_name | Detach the client from session_name |
tmux rename-session new_session_name | Rename the current session to new_session_name |
tmux rotate-window -U | Rotate the current window upwards |
tmux rotate-window -D | Rotate the current window downwards |
tmux list-clients | List all clients |
tmux select-layout even-horizontal | Arrange panes in an even horizontal layout |
tmux select-layout even-vertical | Arrange panes in an even vertical layout |
tmux select-layout tiled | Arrange panes in a tiled layout |
tmux Hotkeys Cheatsheet
Hotkey | Description |
Ctrl-b | Default prefix key (can be changed) |
Ctrl-b ? | List all key bindings |
Ctrl-b d | Detach from the current session |
Ctrl-b c | Create a new window |
Ctrl-b , | Rename the current window |
Ctrl-b w | List all windows |
Ctrl-b n | Move to the next window |
Ctrl-b p | Move to the previous window |
Ctrl-b l | Move to the last (previously active) window |
Ctrl-b & | Kill the current window |
Ctrl-b % | Split the current pane vertically |
Ctrl-b " | Split the current pane horizontally |
Ctrl-b x | Kill the current pane |
Ctrl-b o | Switch to the next pane |
Ctrl-b ; | Switch to the last active pane |
Ctrl-b q | Display pane numbers |
Ctrl-b z | Toggle pane zoom |
Ctrl-b { | Swap pane with the previous pane |
Ctrl-b } | Swap pane with the next pane |
Ctrl-b Space | Toggle through layouts |
Ctrl-b Ctrl-o | Rotate panes |
Ctrl-b t | Show a clock |
Ctrl-b m | Mark the current pane |
Ctrl-b ' | Prompt for an index to switch to |
Ctrl-b ! | Break the current pane into a new window |
Ctrl-b s | List all sessions |
Ctrl-b : | Enter the tmux command prompt |
Ctrl-b [ | Enter copy mode (scrollback buffer) |
Ctrl-b ] | Paste the buffer |
Ctrl-b - | Split the window vertically |
Ctrl-b = | Split the window horizontally |
Ctrl-b f | Find window by text |
Ctrl-b r | Reload tmux configuration |
SSH Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
ssh user@host | Connect to a remote host |
ssh -p port user@host | Connect to a remote host on a specific port |
ssh -i keyfile user@host | Connect using a specific private key file |
ssh-copy-id user@host | Copy your public key to a remote host |
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 | Generate a new RSA key pair |
ssh-add keyfile | Add a private key to the SSH agent |
ssh-agent bash | Start the SSH agent |
scp source user@host:destination | Copy files to a remote host |
scp user@host:source destination | Copy files from a remote host |
rsync -avz source user@host:destination | Sync files to a remote host |
rsync -avz user@host:source destination | Sync files from a remote host |
ssh user@host command | Execute a command on a remote host |
ssh -L local_port:remote_host:remote_port user@host | Create an SSH tunnel (local forwarding) |
ssh -R remote_port:local_host:local_port user@host | Create an SSH tunnel (remote forwarding) |
ssh -D local_port user@host | Create a dynamic SOCKS proxy |
~. | Terminate the SSH session |
~C | Open command line interface during an SSH session |
~& | Background the SSH session |
ssh -X user@host | Enable X11 forwarding |
ssh -v user@host | Verbose mode (debugging) |
ssh -vv user@host | More verbose mode |
ssh -q user@host | Quiet mode (suppress warnings) |
ssh -f user@host command | Run SSH in the background |
ssh -N user@host | Do not execute a remote command |
ssh -o option=value user@host | Set an option for the SSH connection |
ssh -c cipher user@host | Specify the cipher to use |
ssh-keyscan host | Retrieve SSH public keys from a host |
sshfs user@host:remote_dir local_dir | Mount a remote directory over SSH |
Git Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
git init | Initialize a new Git repository |
git clone repository_url | Clone an existing repository |
git status | Show the status of the working directory |
git add file | Stage changes for commit |
git commit -m "message" | Commit staged changes with a message |
git push origin branch | Push commits to the remote repository |
git pull origin branch | Pull updates from the remote repository |
git fetch | Fetch changes from the remote repository |
git merge branch | Merge a branch into the current branch |
git branch | List all branches |
git branch branch_name | Create a new branch |
git checkout branch_name | Switch to a different branch |
git checkout -b branch_name | Create and switch to a new branch |
git log | Show commit history |
git log --oneline | Show commit history in a condensed form |
git diff | Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc |
git reset --hard commit | Reset the working directory and index to a specific commit |
git revert commit | Revert a specific commit |
git stash | Stash changes in a dirty working directory |
git stash pop | Apply stashed changes |
git remote -v | Show remote repositories |
git remote add name url | Add a remote repository |
git tag | List tags |
git tag tag_name | Create a new tag |
git rm file | Remove a file from the working directory and index |
git mv old_name new_name | Rename or move a file |
git blame file | Show what revision and author last modified each line |
git show commit | Show various types of objects |
git config --global "name" | Set the global username |
git config --global "email" | Set the global email |
git rebase branch | Reapply commits on top of another base tip |
git cherry-pick commit | Apply changes from a specific commit |
git bisect start | Start binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug |
git archive --format zip --output HEAD | Create a zip archive of the current branch |
git gc | Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository |
Systemd Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
systemctl start service | Start a service |
systemctl stop service | Stop a service |
systemctl restart service | Restart a service |
systemctl reload service | Reload a service's configuration |
systemctl enable service | Enable a service to start on boot |
systemctl disable service | Disable a service from starting on boot |
systemctl status service | Show the status of a service |
systemctl is-active service | Check if a service is active |
systemctl is-enabled service | Check if a service is enabled |
systemctl list-units | List all loaded units |
systemctl list-unit-files | List installed unit files |
systemctl daemon-reload | Reload systemd manager configuration |
journalctl -u service | View logs for a specific service |
journalctl -f | Follow the system journal |
systemctl mask service | Mask a service to prevent it from being started |
systemctl unmask service | Unmask a service |
systemctl set-default target | Set the default target (e.g., multi-user, graphical) |
systemctl get-default | Get the current default target |
systemctl isolate target | Change to a different target |
systemctl show service | Show properties of a unit |
systemctl cat service | Show the unit file of a service |
systemctl edit service | Edit a unit file (creates an override file) |
systemctl reset-failed service | Reset the failed state of a unit |
systemctl poweroff | Power off the system |
systemctl reboot | Reboot the system |
systemctl suspend | Suspend the system |
systemctl hibernate | Hibernate the system |
systemctl hybrid-sleep | Hibernate and suspend the system |
systemd-analyze blame | Show the time taken to initialize each service |
systemd-analyze critical-chain | Show the critical chain of units |
systemd-analyze plot > plot.svg | Generate a graphical representation of the boot process |
timedatectl | Control the system time and date |
hostnamectl | Control the system hostname |
localectl | Control the system locale |
loginctl | Control the system logind |
Docker Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
docker ps | List running containers |
docker ps -a | List all containers |
docker images | List all images |
docker pull image | Pull an image from a registry |
docker run image | Run a container from an image |
docker run -d image | Run a container in detached mode |
docker run -it image | Run a container in interactive mode |
docker stop container | Stop a running container |
docker start container | Start a stopped container |
docker restart container | Restart a container |
docker rm container | Remove a container |
docker rmi image | Remove an image |
docker exec -it container bash | Execute a command in a running container |
docker logs container | View logs of a container |
docker build -t image . | Build an image from a Dockerfile |
docker-compose up | Start containers defined in docker-compose.yml |
docker-compose down | Stop and remove containers defined in docker-compose.yml |
docker network ls | List all networks |
docker network create network | Create a new network |
docker volume ls | List all volumes |
docker volume create volume | Create a new volume |
docker inspect container | Display detailed information on a container |
docker tag source_image target_image | Tag an image |
docker push image | Push an image to a registry |
docker pull image | Pull an image from a registry |
docker save -o image.tar image | Save an image to a tar file |
docker load -i image.tar | Load an image from a tar file |
docker stats container | Display resource usage statistics of a container |
docker top container | Display the running processes of a container |
docker cp source_path container:dest_path | Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem |
docker update --cpus=2 container | Update resource limits of a container |
docker history image | Show the history of an image |
docker diff container | Inspect changes to files or directories on a container’s filesystem |
docker export container -o container.tar | Export a container’s filesystem to a tar archive |
docker import file.tar | Import a tarball to create a filesystem image |
Kubernetes Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
kubectl get nodes | List all nodes |
kubectl get pods | List all pods in the default namespace |
kubectl get pods -n namespace | List all pods in a specific namespace |
kubectl get services | List all services in the default namespace |
kubectl describe pod pod_name | Show detailed information about a specific pod |
kubectl logs pod_name | Print the logs of a specific pod |
kubectl exec -it pod_name -- bash | Execute a command in a running pod |
kubectl apply -f file.yaml | Apply a configuration file |
kubectl create -f file.yaml | Create resources from a configuration file |
kubectl delete -f file.yaml | Delete resources defined in a configuration file |
kubectl scale --replicas=3 deployment/app | Scale a deployment to 3 replicas |
kubectl rollout status deployment/app | Check the rollout status of a deployment |
kubectl rollout undo deployment/app | Roll back a deployment |
kubectl expose deployment app --type=LoadBalancer --port=80 | Expose a deployment as a service |
kubectl port-forward pod_name 8080:80 | Forward a local port to a port on a pod |
kubectl get namespaces | List all namespaces |
kubectl create namespace namespace | Create a new namespace |
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=namespace | Set the current namespace |
kubectl get events | List all events |
kubectl get secrets | List all secrets in the default namespace |
kubectl get configmaps | List all configmaps in the default namespace |
kubectl describe node node_name | Show detailed information about a specific node |
kubectl get deployment | List all deployments in the default namespace |
kubectl describe service service_name | Show detailed information about a specific service |
kubectl set image deployment/app app=nginx:1.16 | Update the image of a deployment |
kubectl edit deployment app | Edit a resource on the server |
kubectl delete pod pod_name | Delete a specific pod |
kubectl delete service service_name | Delete a specific service |
kubectl apply -f | Apply a deployment from a URL |
kubectl get pvc | List all persistent volume claims |
kubectl get pv | List all persistent volumes |
kubectl cordon node_name | Mark a node as unschedulable |
kubectl drain node_name | Drain a node by evicting all pods |
kubectl taint nodes node_name key=value:NoSchedule | Taint a node to prevent scheduling |
Ansible Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
ansible all -m ping | Ping all hosts |
ansible-playbook playbook.yaml | Run a playbook |
ansible all -a "command" | Run a command on all hosts |
ansible all -m setup | Gather facts from all hosts |
ansible all -m yum -a "name=package state=present" | Install a package using yum |
ansible all -m copy -a "src=/local/path dest=/remote/path" | Copy files to remote hosts |
ansible-vault create secret.yaml | Create an encrypted file |
ansible-vault edit secret.yaml | Edit an encrypted file |
ansible-vault decrypt secret.yaml | Decrypt an encrypted file |
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-password playbook.yaml | Run a playbook with vault password |
ansible-galaxy install role_name | Install a role from Ansible Galaxy |
ansible-galaxy list | List installed roles |
ansible-doc -l | List all modules |
ansible-doc module_name | Show documentation for a specific module |
ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yaml | Run a playbook with a specific inventory |
ansible all -m service -a "name=service state=started" | Manage services on remote hosts |
ansible all -m file -a "path=/remote/path state=directory" | Ensure a directory exists on remote hosts |
ansible all -m user -a "name=username state=present" | Ensure a user exists on remote hosts |
ansible-playbook --check playbook.yaml | Run a playbook in check mode |
ansible-playbook --diff playbook.yaml | Show changes made by the playbook |
ansible-playbook -e "variable=value" playbook.yaml | Pass extra variables to the playbook |
ansible-playbook --tags "tag_name" playbook.yaml | Run playbook tasks with specific tags |
ansible-inventory --list -i inventory | List inventory hosts |
ansible-inventory --graph -i inventory | Show inventory graph |
ansible-config dump | Dump the Ansible configuration |
ansible-config list | List all Ansible configuration options |
ansible-pull -U repo_url | Pull and run a playbook from a remote Git repository |
ansible-playbook --limit "host_pattern" playbook.yaml | Limit playbook run to specific hosts |
ansible-playbook --start-at-task "task_name" playbook.yaml | Start playbook run at a specific task |
ansible-galaxy init role_name | Initialize a new role |
iptables Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
iptables -L | List all rules |
iptables -A chain -j target | Append a rule to a chain |
iptables -I chain rule_num -j target | Insert a rule at a specific position in a chain |
iptables -D chain rule_num | Delete a rule from a chain by number |
iptables -F | Flush all rules |
iptables -X | Delete all user-defined chains |
iptables -P chain target | Set the default policy for a chain |
iptables -N chain | Create a new user-defined chain |
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport port -j ACCEPT | Allow incoming TCP traffic on a specific port |
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport port -j ACCEPT | Allow outgoing TCP traffic on a specific port |
iptables -A FORWARD -i interface -j ACCEPT | Allow forwarding from a specific interface |
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT | Allow established and related connections |
iptables -A INPUT -s ip_address -j DROP | Block traffic from a specific IP address |
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT | Allow ICMP (ping) traffic |
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport port -j ACCEPT | Allow incoming UDP traffic on a specific port |
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT | Allow SSH traffic |
iptables -A INPUT -j REJECT | Reject all other incoming traffic |
iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 | Save the current rules to a file |
iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 | Restore rules from a file |
nftables Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
nft list ruleset | List all rulesets |
nft add table inet filter | Create a new table |
nft add chain inet filter input { type filter hook input priority 0; } | Create a new chain |
nft add rule inet filter input ip saddr ip_address drop | Drop traffic from a specific IP address |
nft add rule inet filter input tcp dport port accept | Allow incoming TCP traffic on a specific port |
nft add rule inet filter input udp dport port accept | Allow incoming UDP traffic on a specific port |
nft add rule inet filter input icmp type echo-request accept | Allow ICMP (ping) traffic |
nft add rule inet filter input ct state established,related accept | Allow established and related connections |
nft add rule inet filter input iifname interface accept | Allow traffic from a specific interface |
nft add rule inet filter output tcp sport port accept | Allow outgoing TCP traffic on a specific port |
nft add rule inet filter forward iifname interface oifname interface accept | Allow forwarding between interfaces |
nft delete rule inet filter input handle handle_number | Delete a specific rule by handle number |
nft delete chain inet filter input | Delete a chain |
nft delete table inet filter | Delete a table |
nft -f /etc/nftables.conf | Load rules from a configuration file |
nft save > /etc/nftables.conf | Save the current ruleset to a file |
nft -i /etc/nftables.conf | Load rules from a file interactively |
nft monitor | Monitor changes to the ruleset |
nft add set inet filter blacklist { type ipv4_addr; } | Create an IP set |
nft add element inet filter blacklist { ip_address } | Add an IP address to the set |
nft delete element inet filter blacklist { ip_address } | Remove an IP address from the set |
nft add rule inet filter input ip saddr @blacklist drop | Drop traffic from IP addresses in the set |
Cron Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
crontab -e | Edit the current user's crontab |
crontab -l | List the current user's crontab |
crontab -r | Remove the current user's crontab |
crontab -u user -e | Edit another user's crontab |
crontab -u user -l | List another user's crontab |
crontab -u user -r | Remove another user's crontab |
@reboot command | Run once at startup |
@yearly command | Run once a year (0 0 1 1 *) |
@annually command | Run once a year (0 0 1 1 *) |
@monthly command | Run once a month (0 0 1 * *) |
@weekly command | Run once a week (0 0 * * 0) |
@daily command | Run once a day (0 0 * * *) |
@midnight command | Run once a day (0 0 * * *) |
@hourly command | Run once an hour (0 * * * *) |
* * * * * command | Run every minute |
*/5 * * * * command | Run every 5 minutes |
0 * * * * command | Run at the beginning of every hour |
0 0 * * * command | Run at midnight every day |
0 0 1 * * command | Run at midnight on the first of every month |
0 0 1 1 * command | Run at midnight on January 1st |
0 9 * * 1-5 command | Run at 9 AM on weekdays |
0 22 * * 1-5 command | Run at 10 PM on weekdays |
MAILTO="" | Send cron job output to the specified email address |
0 0 * * * /path/to/ | Run a script daily at midnight |
0 5 * * * /path/to/ | Run a backup script daily at 5 AM |
*/10 * * * * /path/to/ | Run a script every 10 minutes |
0 0 * * 0 /path/to/ | Run a script weekly on Sundays at midnight |
0 0 1 * * /path/to/ | Run a script monthly on the first day at midnight |
0 0 1 1 * /path/to/ | Run a script yearly on January 1st at midnight |
awk Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
awk '{print}' file | Print all lines in a file |
awk '{print $1}' file | Print the first field of each line |
awk '{print $1, $2}' file | Print the first and second fields of each line |
awk '/pattern/ {print}' file | Print lines matching a pattern |
awk 'NR==line_number' file | Print a specific line number |
awk 'NR==start, NR==end' file | Print a range of lines |
awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum}' file | Sum the first field of all lines |
awk 'BEGIN {print "Header"} {print} END {print "Footer"}' file | Add a header and footer to the output |
awk -F, '{print $1}' file | Specify a field separator (comma in this case) |
awk '{if ($1 > 10) print}' file | Print lines where the first field is greater than 10 |
awk '{gsub(/old/, "new"); print}' file | Replace all occurrences of "old" with "new" |
awk '{print NR, $0}' file | Print line numbers with output |
awk '{print length($0)}' file | Print the length of each line |
awk '{print $NF}' file | Print the last field of each line |
awk '{print $(NF-1)}' file | Print the second to last field of each line |
awk '{count[$1]++} END {for (word in count) print word, count[word]}' file | Count occurrences of each word in the first field |
awk 'NR % 2 == 0 {print}' file | Print every second line |
awk '{print toupper($0)}' file | Convert text to uppercase |
awk '{print tolower($0)}' file | Convert text to lowercase |
awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"; OFS="-"} {print $1, $2}' file | Change input and output field separators |
sed Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
sed 's/old/new/' file | Replace the first occurrence of "old" with "new" |
sed 's/old/new/g' file | Replace all occurrences of "old" with "new" |
sed -i 's/old/new/g' file | Replace all occurrences in the file (in-place) |
sed 's/old/new/2' file | Replace the second occurrence of "old" with "new" |
sed 's/old/new/gi' file | Replace all occurrences, case insensitive |
sed '1,3s/old/new/' file | Replace occurrences between lines 1 and 3 |
sed '3s/old/new/' file | Replace occurrences on the third line |
sed '/pattern/s/old/new/' file | Replace occurrences on lines matching a pattern |
sed 's/^/prefix/' file | Add a prefix to each line |
sed 's/$/suffix/' file | Add a suffix to each line |
sed '/pattern/d' file | Delete lines matching a pattern |
sed '3d' file | Delete the third line |
sed '1,3d' file | Delete lines 1 through 3 |
sed '$d' file | Delete the last line |
sed -n '2,4p' file | Print lines 2 through 4 |
sed -n '/pattern/p' file | Print lines matching a pattern |
sed -e 'command1' -e 'command2' file | Apply multiple commands |
sed 's/.*\(pattern\).*/\1/' file | Extract and print a pattern |
sed 'y/abc/ABC/' file | Translate characters |
sed -i.bak 's/old/new/g' file | Replace all occurrences and create a backup file |
sed '10q' file | Quit after 10 lines |
sed 's/\([0-9]\{3\}\)-\([0-9]\{2\}\)-\([0-9]\{4\}\)/\1\2\3/' file | Remove dashes from SSN format |
sed 's/ *$//' file | Remove trailing whitespace |
sed 's/[^[:alnum:]]//g' file | Remove all non-alphanumeric characters |
grep Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
grep "pattern" file | Search for a pattern in a file |
grep -i "pattern" file | Case-insensitive search |
grep -v "pattern" file | Invert match, show lines that do not match |
grep -r "pattern" directory | Recursively search in a directory |
grep -l "pattern" file | Show file names containing the pattern |
grep -c "pattern" file | Count occurrences of the pattern |
grep -n "pattern" file | Show line numbers of matches |
grep -w "pattern" file | Match whole words only |
grep -A num "pattern" file | Show num lines after match |
grep -B num "pattern" file | Show num lines before match |
grep -C num "pattern" file | Show num lines around match |
grep -e "pattern1" -e "pattern2" file | Search for multiple patterns |
grep --exclude=*.txt "pattern" * | Exclude files matching a pattern |
grep --include=*.txt "pattern" * | Include only files matching a pattern |
grep -f patternfile file | Use patterns from a file |
grep -q "pattern" file | Quiet mode, return 0 if pattern is found |
grep --color=auto "pattern" file | Highlight matches in color |
grep -o "pattern" file | Print only matching parts of a line |
grep --line-buffered "pattern" file | Use line buffering (useful for streaming) |
find Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
find . -name "filename" | Find files by name |
find . -iname "filename" | Find files by name (case-insensitive) |
find . -type d -name "dirname" | Find directories by name |
find . -type f -name "filename" | Find regular files by name |
find . -size +1M | Find files larger than 1MB |
find . -size -1M | Find files smaller than 1MB |
find . -mtime -1 | Find files modified in the last day |
find . -atime -1 | Find files accessed in the last day |
find . -user username | Find files owned by a specific user |
find . -group groupname | Find files owned by a specific group |
find . -perm 644 | Find files with specific permissions |
find . -exec command {} \; | Execute a command on each file found |
find . -exec rm {} \; | Delete all files found |
find . -print | Print the full file names |
find . -maxdepth 1 -name "filename" | Find files in the current directory only |
find . -mindepth 2 -name "filename" | Find files not in the top-level directory |
find . -type l | Find symbolic links |
find . -type l -xtype f | Find broken symbolic links |
find . -empty | Find empty files and directories |
find . -newer file | Find files newer than a specific file |
find . -name "*.txt" -or -name "*.md" | Find files matching multiple patterns |
find . -path "./dir/*" -prune -o -name "*.txt" -print | Exclude a directory and find files |
find . -ctime +10 | Find files changed more than 10 days ago |
find . -cmin -60 | Find files changed in the last 60 minutes |
find / -type f 2>/dev/null | Find all files on the system, ignoring permission errors |
Screen Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
screen | Start a new screen session |
screen -S session_name | Start a new session named session_name |
screen -ls | List all screen sessions |
screen -r session_name | Resume a detached session named session_name |
screen -d -r session_name | Detach and reattach to session_name |
screen -X -S session_name quit | Kill a session named session_name |
Ctrl-a d | Detach from the current session |
Ctrl-a c | Create a new window |
Ctrl-a " | List all windows |
Ctrl-a 0 | Switch to window 0 |
Ctrl-a A | Rename the current window |
Ctrl-a n | Switch to the next window |
Ctrl-a p | Switch to the previous window |
Ctrl-a k | Kill the current window |
Ctrl-a Ctrl-a | Switch between the current and previous window |
Ctrl-a S | Split the screen horizontally |
Ctrl-a \| | Split the screen vertically |
Ctrl-a tab | Switch to the next region |
Ctrl-a X | Close the current region |
Ctrl-a Q | Close all regions except the current one |
Ctrl-a space | Toggle between layouts |
Ctrl-a :resize | Resize the current region |
Ctrl-a :fit | Fit the current region to the screen |
Ctrl-a [ | Enter copy mode |
Ctrl-a ] | Paste copied text |
Ctrl-a ? | Show key bindings help |
Ctrl-a H | Begin/end logging of the session |
Ctrl-a _ | Lock the terminal |
Ctrl-a m | Monitor the current window for activity |
Ctrl-a M | Monitor the current window for silence |
Ctrl-a D D | Detach and logout from the session |
rsync Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
rsync -av source destination | Archive mode, verbose |
rsync -avz source destination | Archive mode, compress during transfer |
rsync -av --progress source destination | Show progress during transfer |
rsync -av --delete source destination | Delete extraneous files from destination |
rsync -av --exclude='pattern' source destination | Exclude files matching a pattern |
rsync -av --include='pattern' source destination | Include only files matching a pattern |
rsync -av -e ssh source user@host:destination | Use SSH as the transport |
rsync -av --dry-run source destination | Perform a trial run with no changes made |
rsync -av --partial source destination | Keep partially transferred files |
rsync -av --bwlimit=KBps source destination | Limit bandwidth during transfer |
rsync -av --size-only source destination | Skip files that match in size |
rsync -av --checksum source destination | Skip files that match in checksum |
rsync -av --times source destination | Preserve modification times |
rsync -av --perms source destination | Preserve permissions |
rsync -av --owner source destination | Preserve owner |
rsync -av --group source destination | Preserve group |
rsync -av --links source destination | Copy symlinks as symlinks |
rsync -av --hard-links source destination | Preserve hard links |
rsync -av --copy-links source destination | Copy symlinks as files |
rsync -av --copy-dirlinks source destination | Transform symlinks to directories into real dirs |
rsync -av --no-links source destination | Skip copying symlinks |
rsync -av --safe-links source destination | Ignore symlinks that point outside source tree |
rsync -av --delete-excluded source destination | Delete excluded files from destination |
rsync -av --max-size=SIZE source destination | Limit maximum size of files to transfer |
rsync -av --min-size=SIZE source destination | Limit minimum size of files to transfer |
rsync -av --backup source destination | Backup files that are replaced |
rsync -av --backup-dir=DIR source destination | Backup files into a specific directory |
rsync -av --suffix=SUFFIX source destination | Define suffix for backup files |
rsync -av --inplace source destination | Update destination files in place |
rsync -av --append source destination | Append data onto shorter files |
rsync -av --append-verify source destination | Append and verify full file content |
rsync -av --ignore-existing source destination | Skip updating files that already exist |
rsync -av --remove-source-files source destination | Remove source files after transfer |
tar Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
tar -cvf archive.tar file_or_directory | Create a tar archive |
tar -xvf archive.tar | Extract a tar archive |
tar -tvf archive.tar | List contents of a tar archive |
tar -cvzf archive.tar.gz file_or_directory | Create a gzip-compressed tar archive |
tar -xvzf archive.tar.gz | Extract a gzip-compressed tar archive |
tar -cvjf archive.tar.bz2 file_or_directory | Create a bzip2-compressed tar archive |
tar -xvjf archive.tar.bz2 | Extract a bzip2-compressed tar archive |
tar -cvJf archive.tar.xz file_or_directory | Create a xz-compressed tar archive |
tar -xvJf archive.tar.xz | Extract a xz-compressed tar archive |
tar -cvf - file_or_directory \| ssh user@host "tar -xvf - -C /destination" | Copy files over SSH |
tar -rf archive.tar file | Append files to an existing tar archive |
tar -uf archive.tar file | Update files in an existing tar archive |
tar -cvf archive.tar --exclude="*.txt" file_or_directory | Create tar archive excluding certain files |
tar -cvf archive.tar --exclude-vcs file_or_directory | Create tar archive excluding version control files |
tar --delete -f archive.tar file | Delete files from a tar archive |
tar -cvf archive.tar -T filelist.txt | Create tar archive from a list of files |
tar -xvf archive.tar -C /destination | Extract tar archive to a specific directory |
tar --strip-components=number -xvf archive.tar | Extract tar archive, removing a number of leading components |
tar --transform='s/old/new/' -cvf archive.tar file_or_directory | Create tar archive with transformed file names |
tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz --wildcards '*.txt' | Extract specific files from a compressed tar archive |
gzip Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
gzip file | Compress a file |
gzip -d file.gz | Decompress a file |
gzip -k file | Compress a file, keeping the original |
gzip -r directory | Recursively compress files in a directory |
gzip -l file.gz | List compressed file details |
gzip -t file.gz | Test compressed file integrity |
gzip -v file | Compress a file with verbose output |
gzip -1 file | Compress a file with fastest speed |
gzip -9 file | Compress a file with best compression |
zcat file.gz | View contents of a compressed file |
zgrep "pattern" file.gz | Search for a pattern in a compressed file |
zless file.gz | View a compressed file with less |
zcmp file1.gz file2.gz | Compare compressed files |
zdiff file1.gz file2.gz | Show differences between compressed files |
bzip2 Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
bzip2 file | Compress a file |
bzip2 -d file.bz2 | Decompress a file |
bzip2 -k file | Compress a file, keeping the original |
bzip2 -z file | Compress a file |
bzip2 -t file.bz2 | Test compressed file integrity |
bzip2 -c file > file.bz2 | Compress a file to standard output |
bzip2 -f file | Force compression or decompression |
bzip2 -v file | Compress a file with verbose output |
bzip2 -1 file | Compress a file with fastest speed |
bzip2 -9 file | Compress a file with best compression |
bzcat file.bz2 | View contents of a compressed file |
bzgrep "pattern" file.bz2 | Search for a pattern in a compressed file |
bzless file.bz2 | View a compressed file with less |
bzcmp file1.bz2 file2.bz2 | Compare compressed files |
bzdiff file1.bz2 file2.bz2 | Show differences between compressed files |
curl Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
curl url | Fetch the content of a URL |
curl -o file url | Save the content to a file |
curl -O url | Save the content to a file with the same name |
curl -L url | Follow redirects |
curl -I url | Fetch headers only |
curl -d "data" url | Send data with a POST request |
curl -X POST url | Send a POST request |
curl -X PUT url | Send a PUT request |
curl -X DELETE url | Send a DELETE request |
curl -H "Header: value" url | Send a custom header |
curl -u user:password url | Send basic authentication |
curl -F "name=value" url | Send a multipart form data |
curl -k url | Allow insecure SSL connections |
curl --cert certfile url | Send a client certificate |
curl -b "name=value" url | Send cookies |
curl -c cookiefile url | Save cookies to a file |
curl --limit-rate 100k url | Limit the transfer rate |
curl --compressed url | Request a compressed response |
curl --retry num url | Retry a request on failure |
curl --silent url | Silent mode (suppress output) |
curl --progress-bar url | Display a progress bar |
curl --http2 url | Use HTTP/2 protocol |
curl --interface interface url | Use a specific network interface |
curl --ipv4 url | Use IPv4 only |
curl --ipv6 url | Use IPv6 only |
curl --location-trusted url | Follow redirects and send authentication to other hosts |
curl --data-urlencode "name=value" url | URL encode data |
curl --max-time seconds url | Set a maximum time for the request |
curl --connect-timeout seconds url | Set a maximum time for the connection |
curl --proxy proxy_url url | Use a proxy server |
wget Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
wget url | Download a file |
wget -O file url | Save the download with a specific name |
wget -P /path url | Save the download to a specific directory |
wget -c url | Continue a partially downloaded file |
wget -b url | Download in the background |
wget -i file | Download URLs listed in a file |
wget -r url | Download recursively |
wget -l depth url | Set the download depth |
wget -k url | Convert links to be suitable for local viewing |
wget -m url | Mirror a website |
wget -p url | Download all necessary files to display a webpage |
wget --limit-rate=100k url | Limit the download speed |
wget --user=user --password=password url | Download with basic authentication |
wget --header="Header: value" url | Send a custom header |
wget --no-check-certificate url | Ignore SSL certificate errors |
wget --quiet url | Quiet mode (no output) |
wget --show-progress url | Show a progress bar |
wget --spider url | Check if a URL exists |
wget --no-clobber url | Do not overwrite existing files |
wget --timestamping url | Download only if the remote file is newer than the local file |
wget --directory-prefix=prefix url | Save files to a specific directory |
wget --tries=num url | Set the number of retries |
wget --wait=seconds url | Wait between downloads |
wget --random-wait url | Wait a random amount of time between downloads |
wget --delete-after url | Delete files after downloading |
wget --mirror url | Mirror a website |
wget --recursive url | Download files recursively |
wget --level=depth url | Set the recursion depth |
wget --user-agent="User-Agent" url | Set the user agent |
MySQL/MariaDB Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
mysql -u user -p | Connect to the MySQL server |
CREATE DATABASE dbname; | Create a new database |
DROP DATABASE dbname; | Delete a database |
USE dbname; | Select a database |
SHOW DATABASES; | List all databases |
SHOW TABLES; | List all tables in the selected database |
DESCRIBE tablename; | Show table structure |
CREATE TABLE tablename (columns); | Create a new table |
DROP TABLE tablename; | Delete a table |
INSERT INTO tablename (columns) VALUES (values); | Insert data into a table |
SELECT * FROM tablename; | Retrieve all data from a table |
UPDATE tablename SET column=value WHERE condition; | Update data in a table |
DELETE FROM tablename WHERE condition; | Delete data from a table |
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dbname.* TO 'user'@'host' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; | Grant privileges to a user |
FLUSH PRIVILEGES; | Reload privileges |
SHOW GRANTS FOR 'user'@'host'; | Show granted privileges |
REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON dbname.* FROM 'user'@'host'; | Revoke privileges from a user |
CREATE USER 'user'@'host' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; | Create a new user |
DROP USER 'user'@'host'; | Delete a user |
SHOW PROCESSLIST; | Show running processes |
EXIT; | Exit the MySQL shell |
mysqldump -u user -p dbname > backup.sql | Backup a database |
mysql -u user -p dbname < backup.sql | Restore a database |
SHOW STATUS; | Show server status |
SHOW VARIABLES; | Show server variables |
SHOW INDEX FROM tablename; | Show indexes in a table |
SHOW CREATE TABLE tablename; | Show the CREATE TABLE statement for a table |
ALTER TABLE tablename ADD columnname datatype; | Add a column to a table |
ALTER TABLE tablename DROP columnname; | Drop a column from a table |
ALTER TABLE tablename MODIFY columnname datatype; | Modify a column in a table |
ALTER TABLE tablename RENAME TO newtablename; | Rename a table |
CREATE INDEX indexname ON tablename (columns); | Create an index on a table |
DROP INDEX indexname ON tablename; | Drop an index from a table |
SET GLOBAL max_connections = value; | Set a global variable |
PostgreSQL Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
psql -U user -d dbname | Connect to the PostgreSQL server |
CREATE DATABASE dbname; | Create a new database |
DROP DATABASE dbname; | Delete a database |
\c dbname | Connect to a database |
\l | List all databases |
\dt | List all tables in the connected database |
\d tablename | Show table structure |
CREATE TABLE tablename (columns); | Create a new table |
DROP TABLE tablename; | Delete a table |
INSERT INTO tablename (columns) VALUES (values); | Insert data into a table |
SELECT * FROM tablename; | Retrieve all data from a table |
UPDATE tablename SET column=value WHERE condition; | Update data in a table |
DELETE FROM tablename WHERE condition; | Delete data from a table |
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE dbname TO user; | Grant privileges to a user |
REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE dbname FROM user; | Revoke privileges from a user |
CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD 'password'; | Create a new user |
DROP USER username; | Delete a user |
\q | Exit the PostgreSQL shell |
pg_dump -U user -d dbname -f backup.sql | Backup a database |
psql -U user -d dbname -f backup.sql | Restore a database |
\conninfo | Show connection information |
\du | List all roles |
\di | List all indexes |
\df | List all functions |
\dn | List all schemas |
\dp | List table, view, and sequence access privileges |
ALTER TABLE tablename ADD columnname datatype; | Add a column to a table |
ALTER TABLE tablename DROP columnname; | Drop a column from a table |
ALTER TABLE tablename ALTER COLUMN columnname TYPE datatype; | Modify a column in a table |
ALTER TABLE tablename RENAME TO newtablename; | Rename a table |
CREATE INDEX indexname ON tablename (columns); | Create an index on a table |
DROP INDEX indexname; | Drop an index |
VACUUM | Clean up and optimize the database |
VACUUM FULL | Clean up and optimize the database (full) |
ANALYZE | Collect statistics about the database |
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tablename; | Show the execution plan for a query |
SET search_path TO schema; | Set the search path to a specific schema |
Nginx Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
sudo systemctl start nginx | Start Nginx |
sudo systemctl stop nginx | Stop Nginx |
sudo systemctl restart nginx | Restart Nginx |
sudo systemctl reload nginx | Reload Nginx configuration |
sudo systemctl enable nginx | Enable Nginx to start on boot |
sudo systemctl disable nginx | Disable Nginx from starting on boot |
nginx -t | Test Nginx configuration |
nginx -s reload | Reload Nginx configuration |
nginx -s reopen | Reopen log files |
nginx -s stop | Stop Nginx |
nginx -s quit | Gracefully stop Nginx |
/etc/nginx/nginx.conf | Main Nginx configuration file |
/etc/nginx/sites-available/ | Directory for available site configurations |
/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ | Directory for enabled site configurations |
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/site /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ | Enable a site configuration |
sudo unlink /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/site | Disable a site configuration |
server { ... } | Define a virtual server block |
location / { ... } | Define a location block |
listen 80; | Listen on port 80 |
listen 443 ssl; | Listen on port 443 with SSL |
server_name; | Define the server name |
root /var/www/html; | Define the document root |
index index.html; | Define the default index file |
error_page 404 /404.html; | Define a custom error page |
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log; | Define the access log file |
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; | Define the error log file |
proxy_pass http://backend; | Proxy requests to a backend server |
rewrite ^/old/(.*)$ /new/$1 permanent; | Rewrite URL |
location ~ \.php$ { ... } | Define a location block for PHP files |
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; | Include additional configuration files |
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt; | Define the SSL certificate |
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.key; | Define the SSL certificate key |
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3; | Define the supported SSL protocols |
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5; | Define the supported SSL ciphers |
Apache Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
sudo systemctl start apache2 | Start Apache |
sudo systemctl stop apache2 | Stop Apache |
sudo systemctl restart apache2 | Restart Apache |
sudo systemctl reload apache2 | Reload Apache configuration |
sudo systemctl enable apache2 | Enable Apache to start on boot |
sudo systemctl disable apache2 | Disable Apache from starting on boot |
apachectl configtest | Test Apache configuration |
apachectl graceful | Gracefully restart Apache |
/etc/apache2/apache2.conf | Main Apache configuration file |
/etc/apache2/sites-available/ | Directory for available site configurations |
/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ | Directory for enabled site configurations |
sudo a2ensite site | Enable a site configuration |
sudo a2dissite site | Disable a site configuration |
sudo a2enmod module | Enable a module |
sudo a2dismod module | Disable a module |
sudo a2enconf config | Enable a configuration |
sudo a2disconf config | Disable a configuration |
<VirtualHost *:80> ... </VirtualHost> | Define a virtual host for HTTP |
<VirtualHost *:443> ... </VirtualHost> | Define a virtual host for HTTPS |
ServerName | Define the server name |
DocumentRoot /var/www/html | Define the document root |
DirectoryIndex index.html | Define the default index file |
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log | Define the error log file |
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined | Define the access log file |
SSLEngine on | Enable SSL |
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.crt | Define the SSL certificate |
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.key | Define the SSL certificate key |
SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3 | Define the supported SSL protocols |
SSLCipherSuite HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5 | Define the supported SSL ciphers |
ProxyPass /app http://backend/app | Proxy requests to a backend server |
ProxyPassReverse /app http://backend/app | Adjust the URL in the Location header |
RewriteEngine on | Enable URL rewriting |
RewriteRule ^/old/(.*)$ /new/$1 [R=301,L] | Rewrite URL |
<Directory /var/www/html> ... </Directory> | Define directory-specific settings |
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks | Set directory options |
AllowOverride All | Allow .htaccess to override settings |
Require all granted | Allow access to a directory |
Redirect permanent /old /new | Redirect a URL |
Firewalld Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
firewall-cmd --state | Check the state of firewalld |
firewall-cmd --reload | Reload firewalld configuration |
firewall-cmd --get-active-zones | List all active zones |
firewall-cmd --get-default-zone | Get the default zone |
firewall-cmd --zone=zone --list-all | List all settings in a zone |
firewall-cmd --zone=zone --add-source=source | Add a source to a zone |
firewall-cmd --zone=zone --add-port=port/protocol | Add a port to a zone |
firewall-cmd --zone=zone --remove-port=port/protocol | Remove a port from a zone |
firewall-cmd --zone=zone --add-service=service | Add a service to a zone |
firewall-cmd --zone=zone --remove-service=service | Remove a service from a zone |
firewall-cmd --permanent | Apply changes permanently |
firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent | Save runtime changes to permanent configuration |
firewall-cmd --add-masquerade | Enable masquerading (NAT) |
firewall-cmd --remove-masquerade | Disable masquerading (NAT) |
firewall-cmd --zone=zone --add-rich-rule='rule' | Add a rich rule to a zone |
firewall-cmd --zone=zone --remove-rich-rule='rule' | Remove a rich rule from a zone |
UFW Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
sudo ufw enable | Enable UFW |
sudo ufw disable | Disable UFW |
sudo ufw status | Show the current status of UFW and list rules |
sudo ufw status verbose | Show the current status of UFW with detailed information |
sudo ufw allow port | Allow incoming traffic on a specific port |
sudo ufw allow from IP | Allow incoming traffic from a specific IP address |
sudo ufw allow from IP to any port port | Allow incoming traffic from a specific IP to a specific port |
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from IP to any port port | Allow incoming TCP traffic from a specific IP to a specific port |
sudo ufw deny port | Deny incoming traffic on a specific port |
sudo ufw deny from IP | Deny incoming traffic from a specific IP address |
sudo ufw deny from IP to any port port | Deny incoming traffic from a specific IP to a specific port |
sudo ufw delete allow port | Delete an allow rule for a specific port |
sudo ufw delete deny port | Delete a deny rule for a specific port |
sudo ufw default allow outgoing | Set the default policy to allow outgoing traffic |
sudo ufw default deny outgoing | Set the default policy to deny outgoing traffic |
sudo ufw default allow incoming | Set the default policy to allow incoming traffic |
sudo ufw default deny incoming | Set the default policy to deny incoming traffic |
sudo ufw reset | Reset UFW rules to the default state |
sudo ufw show raw | Show the raw iptables rules generated by UFW |
sudo ufw logging on | Enable logging for UFW |
sudo ufw logging off | Disable logging for UFW |
sudo ufw logging low | Set logging level to low |
sudo ufw logging medium | Set logging level to medium |
sudo ufw logging high | Set logging level to high |
sudo ufw app list | List all available application profiles |
sudo ufw app info Application | Show information about a specific application profile |
sudo ufw allow Application | Allow an application by profile |
sudo ufw deny Application | Deny an application by profile |
sudo ufw reload | Reload UFW to apply changes |
sudo ufw route allow proto tcp from any to any port port | Allow routing for a specific port over TCP |
sudo ufw route deny proto udp from any to any port port | Deny routing for a specific port over UDP |
SELinux Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
sestatus | Check the status of SELinux |
getenforce | Get the current mode of SELinux |
setenforce 0 | Set SELinux to permissive mode |
setenforce 1 | Set SELinux to enforcing mode |
semanage boolean -l | List all SELinux booleans |
semanage boolean -m --on boolean_name | Enable an SELinux boolean |
semanage boolean -m --off boolean_name | Disable an SELinux boolean |
semanage fcontext -l | List all file context mappings |
semanage fcontext -a -t type '/path(/.*)?' | Add a file context mapping |
restorecon -Rv /path | Apply file context to files |
chcon -t type /path | Change the file context |
ls -Z | List files with SELinux context |
ps -Z | List processes with SELinux context |
grep AVC /var/log/audit/audit.log | Search for SELinux denials in the audit log |
ausearch -m avc -ts recent | Search for recent SELinux denials |
audit2allow -w -a | Display audit log entries that require policy changes |
audit2allow -a -M mymodule | Generate a policy module to allow denials |
semodule -i mymodule.pp | Install a policy module |
semanage port -l | List all SELinux port mappings |
semanage port -a -t type -p tcp port | Add a port mapping |
semanage port -d -p tcp port | Delete a port mapping |
semanage permissive -a type | Set a domain to permissive mode |
semanage permissive -d type | Remove a domain from permissive mode |
seinfo | Display SELinux policy information |
semodule -l | List all installed policy modules |
semodule -r module_name | Remove an installed policy module |
sealert -a /var/log/audit/audit.log | Analyze audit log for SELinux denials |
AppArmor Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
aa-status | Check the status of AppArmor |
aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/profile | Set a profile to enforce mode |
aa-complain /etc/apparmor.d/profile | Set a profile to complain mode |
aa-logprof | Update profiles based on log events |
aa-genprof /path/to/executable | Generate a new profile for an executable |
aa-disable /etc/apparmor.d/profile | Disable a profile |
aa-parse -r /etc/apparmor.d/profile | Reload a profile |
apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/profile | Reload a profile |
apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/profile | Remove a profile from the kernel |
aa-unconfined | List unconfined processes |
aa-notify | Display AppArmor notifications |
aa-exec -p profile -- command | Execute a command under a specific profile |
aa-audit /etc/apparmor.d/profile | Set a profile to audit mode |
cat /var/log/syslog \| grep apparmor | Search for AppArmor messages in the syslog |
grep "audit" /var/log/kern.log | Search for AppArmor audit messages in the kernel log |
ls -lZ /path | List files with AppArmor context |
aa-cleanprof | Remove unnecessary rules from a profile |
aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/* | Set all profiles to enforce mode |
aa-complain /etc/apparmor.d/* | Set all profiles to complain mode |
journalctl -xe \| grep apparmor | Search for AppArmor events in the journal log |
sudo apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.program | Reload a specific AppArmor profile |
sudo aa-genprof /path/to/program | Generate a new profile for a program |
sudo aa-logprof /var/log/syslog | Update profiles based on log events |
sudo aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.program | Enforce a specific AppArmor profile |
sudo aa-complain /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.program | Set a specific AppArmor profile to complain mode |
LDAP Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
ldapsearch -x -b "base_dn" "(filter)" | Search for entries in the LDAP directory |
ldapadd -x -D "bind_dn" -W -f file.ldif | Add entries to the LDAP directory |
ldapdelete -x -D "bind_dn" -W "dn" | Delete entries from the LDAP directory |
ldapmodify -x -D "bind_dn" -W -f file.ldif | Modify entries in the LDAP directory |
ldapcompare -x -D "bind_dn" -W "dn" attribute:value | Compare attribute values |
ldapwhoami -x -D "bind_dn" -W | Show the distinguished name of the authenticated user |
ldapmodrdn -x -D "bind_dn" -W "dn" "new_rdn" | Modify the RDN of an entry |
slapcat -v -l backup.ldif | Export the LDAP directory to an LDIF file |
slapadd -v -l backup.ldif | Import an LDIF file into the LDAP directory |
slapindex | Rebuild the LDAP directory indexes |
slapd -d 1 | Start the LDAP server in debug mode |
ldapsearch -LLL -x -b "base_dn" "(filter)" attribute | Search and display specific attributes |
ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -b "base_dn" "(filter)" | Search using a specific LDAP URI |
ldapsearch -ZZ -x -b "base_dn" "(filter)" | Search with StartTLS |
ldapadd -ZZ -x -D "bind_dn" -W -f file.ldif | Add entries with StartTLS |
ldapmodify -ZZ -x -D "bind_dn" -W -f file.ldif | Modify entries with StartTLS |
ldapdelete -ZZ -x -D "bind_dn" -W "dn" | Delete entries with StartTLS |
ldapwhoami -ZZ -x -D "bind_dn" -W | Show the distinguished name with StartTLS |
ldapcompare -ZZ -x -D "bind_dn" -W "dn" attribute:value | Compare attribute values with StartTLS |
ldapmodrdn -ZZ -x -D "bind_dn" -W "dn" "new_rdn" | Modify the RDN with StartTLS |
ldapsearch -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -b "cn=config" | Search the configuration directory |
ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f config.ldif | Add configuration entries |
ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f config.ldif | Modify configuration entries |
ldapdelete -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// "dn" | Delete configuration entries |
LVM Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
pvcreate /dev/sdX | Create a physical volume |
pvdisplay | Display information about physical volumes |
pvscan | Scan all disks for physical volumes |
vgcreate vgname /dev/sdX | Create a volume group |
vgdisplay | Display information about volume groups |
vgscan | Scan all disks for volume groups |
vgextend vgname /dev/sdX | Add a physical volume to a volume group |
vgreduce vgname /dev/sdX | Remove a physical volume from a volume group |
lvcreate -L size -n lvname vgname | Create a logical volume |
lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n lvname vgname | Create a logical volume using all free space |
lvdisplay | Display information about logical volumes |
lvextend -L+size /dev/vgname/lvname | Extend a logical volume by size |
lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/vgname/lvname | Extend a logical volume using all free space |
lvreduce -L-size /dev/vgname/lvname | Reduce the size of a logical volume |
lvremove /dev/vgname/lvname | Remove a logical volume |
lvresize -L size /dev/vgname/lvname | Resize a logical volume |
lvrename /dev/vgname/oldname newname | Rename a logical volume |
vgremove vgname | Remove a volume group |
pvremove /dev/sdX | Remove a physical volume |
vgchange -a y vgname | Activate a volume group |
vgchange -a n vgname | Deactivate a volume group |
vgmerge vgname1 vgname2 | Merge two volume groups |
vgsplit vgname new_vgname /dev/sdX | Split a volume group into two |
pvmove /dev/sdX | Move physical extents from one physical volume to another |
vgcfgbackup | Backup volume group metadata |
vgcfgrestore vgname | Restore volume group metadata |
lvconvert --type raid1 --mirrors 1 /dev/vgname/lvname | Convert a logical volume to RAID1 |
lvchange -a y /dev/vgname/lvname | Activate a logical volume |
lvchange -a n /dev/vgname/lvname | Deactivate a logical volume |
lvscan | Scan for all logical volumes |
vgextend vgname /dev/sdX | Add a physical volume to a volume group |
ZFS Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
zpool create pool /dev/sdX | Create a new storage pool |
zpool destroy pool | Destroy a storage pool |
zpool status | Show the status of all pools |
zpool list | List all pools |
zpool add pool /dev/sdX | Add a device to a pool |
zpool remove pool /dev/sdX | Remove a device from a pool |
zpool replace pool /dev/sdX /dev/sdY | Replace a device in a pool |
zpool scrub pool | Scrub the data in a pool |
zpool export pool | Export a pool |
zpool import pool | Import a pool |
zfs create pool/dataset | Create a new dataset |
zfs destroy pool/dataset | Destroy a dataset |
zfs list | List all datasets |
zfs mount pool/dataset | Mount a dataset |
zfs unmount pool/dataset | Unmount a dataset |
zfs snapshot pool/dataset@snapshot | Create a snapshot of a dataset |
zfs rollback pool/dataset@snapshot | Roll back to a snapshot |
zfs send pool/dataset@snapshot | Send a snapshot |
zfs receive pool/dataset | Receive a snapshot |
zfs get property pool/dataset | Get a property value |
zfs set property=value pool/dataset | Set a property value |
zfs rename pool/dataset new_name | Rename a dataset |
zfs clone pool/dataset@snapshot new_dataset | Clone a snapshot |
zfs promote pool/dataset | Promote a clone to a full dataset |
zfs diff pool/dataset@snapshot1 pool/dataset@snapshot2 | Show differences between snapshots |
zfs upgrade -a | Upgrade all ZFS filesystems |
zpool upgrade -a | Upgrade all ZFS pools |
zpool history pool | Show command history for a pool |
zpool iostat pool | Show I/O statistics for a pool |
zpool clear pool | Clear errors in a pool |
zpool trim pool | Trim free space in a pool |
zfs hold tag pool/dataset@snapshot | Hold a snapshot |
zfs release tag pool/dataset@snapshot | Release a held snapshot |
zfs inherit property pool/dataset | Inherit a property from the parent |
Btrfs Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
mkfs.btrfs /dev/sdX | Create a Btrfs filesystem |
btrfs filesystem show | Show Btrfs filesystems |
btrfs filesystem df /mountpoint | Show disk usage of a Btrfs filesystem |
btrfs filesystem balance /mountpoint | Balance a Btrfs filesystem |
btrfs filesystem resize size /mountpoint | Resize a Btrfs filesystem |
btrfs device add /dev/sdX /mountpoint | Add a device to a Btrfs filesystem |
btrfs device delete /dev/sdX /mountpoint | Remove a device from a Btrfs filesystem |
btrfs scrub start /mountpoint | Scrub a Btrfs filesystem |
btrfs scrub status /mountpoint | Show scrub status |
btrfs balance start /mountpoint | Start a balance operation |
btrfs balance status /mountpoint | Show balance status |
btrfs subvolume create /mountpoint/subvolume | Create a subvolume |
btrfs subvolume delete /mountpoint/subvolume | Delete a subvolume |
btrfs subvolume list /mountpoint | List all subvolumes |
btrfs subvolume snapshot /mountpoint/subvolume /mountpoint/snapshot | Create a snapshot |
btrfs send /mountpoint/subvolume | btrfs receive /mountpoint/snapshot` |
btrfs subvolume set-default subvolid /mountpoint | Set the default subvolume |
btrfs property set /mountpoint/subvolume ro true | Set a subvolume to read-only |
btrfs property list /mountpoint/subvolume | List properties of a subvolume |
btrfs quota enable /mountpoint | Enable quotas on a Btrfs filesystem |
btrfs qgroup show /mountpoint | Show quota groups |
btrfs qgroup limit size /mountpoint | Set a quota limit |
btrfs rescue zero-log /dev/sdX | Repair a corrupted log |
btrfs rescue chunk-recover /dev/sdX | Recover corrupted chunks |
btrfs check /dev/sdX | Check a Btrfs filesystem |
btrfs device scan | Scan for Btrfs devices |
btrfs device stats /mountpoint | Show device statistics |
btrfs filesystem defragment /mountpoint | Defragment a Btrfs filesystem |
btrfs quota rescan -w /mountpoint | Rescan quotas |
btrfs filesystem sync /mountpoint | Sync a Btrfs filesystem |
btrfs replace start /dev/sdX /dev/sdY /mountpoint | Replace a device in a Btrfs filesystem |
btrfs replace status /mountpoint | Show replace status |
Network Troubleshooting Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
ping host | Check connectivity to a host |
ping -c count host | Send a specific number of ping requests |
ping -i interval host | Set the interval between ping requests |
ping -t ttl host | Set the time-to-live for ping packets |
traceroute host | Trace the route to a host |
traceroute -m max_ttl host | Set the maximum TTL |
traceroute -p port host | Set the destination port |
traceroute -I host | Use ICMP echo instead of UDP |
traceroute -T host | Use TCP SYN instead of UDP |
mtr host | Network diagnostic tool combining ping and traceroute |
mtr -r host | Run MTR in report mode |
mtr -c count host | Set the number of pings in MTR |
netstat -tuln | List all listening ports and services |
netstat -i | Show network interfaces |
netstat -rn | Show the routing table |
netstat -s | Display network statistics |
netstat -plnt | Show listening TCP ports |
ss -tuln | List all listening ports and services (ss command) |
ss -i | Show network interfaces (ss command) |
ss -rn | Show the routing table (ss command) |
ss -s | Display network statistics (ss command) |
ss -plnt | Show listening TCP ports (ss command) |
ip addr show | Display all IP addresses |
ip link show | Show network interfaces |
ip route show | Display the routing table |
ip link set dev iface up | Bring an interface up |
ip link set dev iface down | Bring an interface down |
ifconfig | Display network interfaces |
ifconfig iface up | Bring an interface up |
ifconfig iface down | Bring an interface down |
ifconfig iface inet addr | Assign an IP address to an interface |
ifconfig iface hw ether MAC | Assign a MAC address to an interface |
ethtool iface | Display Ethernet device settings |
ethtool -s iface speed 1000 duplex full autoneg on | Set Ethernet device speed and duplex |
tcpdump -i iface | Capture packets on an interface |
tcpdump -n host host | Capture packets to/from a specific host |
tcpdump -nn port port | Capture packets on a specific port |
tcpdump -w file.pcap | Write packets to a file |
tcpdump -r file.pcap | Read packets from a file |
dig domain | DNS lookup for a domain |
dig +short domain | Short DNS lookup for a domain |
dig -x ip | Reverse DNS lookup |
nslookup domain | DNS lookup for a domain (nslookup) |
nslookup | Enter interactive mode (nslookup) |
nslookup domain server | DNS lookup using a specific DNS server |
System Diagnostics and Logging Cheatsheet
Command | Description |
dmesg | Display all messages from the kernel ring buffer |
`dmesg | less` |
`dmesg | grep pattern` |
dmesg -c | Clear the ring buffer after printing |
dmesg -T | Display human-readable timestamps for each message |
dmesg -H | Enable colorized and human-readable output |
dmesg -l level | Filter messages by log level (e.g., emerg , alert , crit , err , warn , notice , info , debug ) |
dmesg -n level | Set the log level of messages to print |
dmesg -f facility | Filter messages by facility (e.g., kern , user , mail , daemon , auth , syslog , lpr , news , uucp , cron , authpriv , ftp , local0 -local7 ) |
dmesg -r | Raw output, no human-readable timestamps |
dmesg --clear | Clear the kernel ring buffer |
dmesg --level level | Set the log level for printing messages |
dmesg --facility facility | Set the facility for printing messages |
dmesg -w | Keep waiting for new messages and print them as they come |
dmesg --follow | Alias for -w , keep waiting for new messages |
Command | Description |
journalctl | View the systemd journal |
journalctl -b | Show messages from the current boot |
journalctl -k | Show only kernel messages |
journalctl -u service | Show messages for a specific service |
journalctl -f | Follow new messages as they appear (similar to tail -f ) |
journalctl -r | Show messages in reverse chronological order |
journalctl --since "time" | Show messages since a specific time |
journalctl --until "time" | Show messages until a specific time |
journalctl -p level | Show messages of a specific priority level (e.g., emerg , alert , crit , err , warn , notice , info , debug ) |
journalctl -xe | Show the last few log entries with details about system errors |
journalctl --disk-usage | Show the disk space used by the journal |
journalctl --vacuum-time=time | Remove journal files older than the specified time |
journalctl --vacuum-size=size | Remove old journal files until the total size is below the specified size |
journalctl -o json-pretty | Output logs in pretty JSON format |
(or syslog
in general)
Command/Configuration | Description |
/etc/rsyslog.conf | Main configuration file for rsyslog |
/etc/rsyslog.d/ | Directory for additional configuration files |
sudo systemctl restart rsyslog | Restart the rsyslog service |
logger "message" | Add a message to the system log |
/var/log/messages | General system log |
/var/log/secure | Authentication and security related messages |
/var/log/maillog | Mail server logs |
/var/log/cron | Cron job logs |
/var/log/boot.log | System boot log |
/var/log/dmesg | Kernel ring buffer log |
/ htop
Command | Description |
top | Display real-time system information including tasks and load |
htop | Interactive process viewer (requires installation) |
top -u username | Show only processes for a specific user |
top -p PID | Show only the specified PID(s) |
htop -u username | Show only processes for a specific user (in htop) |
Command | Description |
free | Display memory usage |
free -h | Display memory usage in human-readable format |
free -m | Display memory usage in megabytes |
free -g | Display memory usage in gigabytes |
Command | Description |
vmstat | Display virtual memory statistics |
vmstat 1 | Display virtual memory statistics every second |
vmstat -s | Display memory statistics |
vmstat -d | Display disk statistics |
vmstat -t | Display timestamps with the output |
Command | Description |
iostat | Display CPU and I/O statistics |
iostat -x | Display extended statistics |
iostat -d | Display device utilization statistics |
iostat -c | Display only CPU statistics |
iostat -p ALL | Display statistics for all devices and partitions |
Command | Description |
mpstat | Display CPU usage |
mpstat -P ALL | Display CPU usage for all processors |
mpstat 1 5 | Display CPU usage every second for 5 times |
Command | Description |
sar | Collect and report system activity |
sar -u 1 3 | Report CPU utilization every second for 3 times |
sar -r | Report memory utilization |
sar -n DEV | Report network statistics |
sar -b | Report I/O and transfer rate statistics |
/ ss
Command | Description |
netstat -tuln | List all listening ports |
netstat -i | Display network interfaces |
netstat -rn | Display routing table |
netstat -s | Display network statistics |
ss -tuln | List all listening ports (ss command) |
ss -i | Display network interfaces (ss command) |
ss -rn | Display routing table (ss command) |
ss -s | Display network statistics (ss command) |
(requires installation)
Command | Description |
iftop | Display real-time network bandwidth usage |
iftop -i interface | Display network bandwidth usage for a specific interface |
iftop -P | Show ports |
iftop -n | Show numerical addresses rather than resolving hosts |
Command | Description |
tcpdump -i interface | Capture packets on a specific interface |
tcpdump -n host host | Capture packets to/from a specific host |
tcpdump -nn port port | Capture packets on a specific port |
tcpdump -w file.pcap | Write captured packets to a file |
tcpdump -r file.pcap | Read packets from a file |
Important /proc
Subdirectories and Files
Directory/File | Description |
/proc/cpuinfo | Detailed information about the CPU, such as model, cores, and speed |
/proc/meminfo | Detailed information about memory usage |
/proc/version | Kernel version and build information |
/proc/cmdline | Kernel command line used to boot the system |
/proc/devices | Lists all character and block devices currently configured |
/proc/diskstats | Disk I/O statistics |
/proc/uptime | System uptime information |
/proc/loadavg | Load average of the system |
/proc/mounts | Mounted filesystems |
/proc/partitions | Information about disk partitions |
/proc/swaps | Swap space utilization |
/proc/sys | Kernel tunable parameters (sysctl) |
/proc/sys/kernel | Kernel-related parameters |
/proc/sys/net | Network-related parameters |
/proc/net | Network status information |
/proc/interrupts | Number of interrupts per CPU per I/O device |
/proc/iomem | Memory map for the system |
/proc/ioports | I/O port usage |
/proc/modules | Loaded kernel modules |
/proc/kallsyms | Kernel symbol table |
/proc/kcore | Pseudo-file representing the physical memory of the system |
/proc/slabinfo | Kernel slab allocator information |
/proc/self | Process-specific information for the current process |
/proc/self/cmdline | Command line of the current process |
/proc/self/environ | Environment variables of the current process |
/proc/self/exe | Symlink to the executable of the current process |
/proc/self/status | Current process status information |
/proc/self/limits | Resource limits of the current process |
/proc/self/mounts | Mounts of the current process |
/proc/self/cgroup | Cgroup membership of the current process |
/proc/self/fd | File descriptors opened by the current process |
/proc/self/fdinfo | Detailed information about file descriptors |
/proc/self/maps | Memory maps of the current process |
/proc/self/smaps | Extended memory maps of the current process |
/proc/self/mem | Memory of the current process |
/proc/self/task | Tasks (threads) of the current process |
/proc/[pid]/ | Information specific to process with PID |
/proc/[pid]/cmdline | Command line of the process with PID |
/proc/[pid]/environ | Environment variables of the process with PID |
/proc/[pid]/exe | Symlink to the executable of the process with PID |
/proc/[pid]/status | Status information of the process with PID |
/proc/[pid]/limits | Resource limits of the process with PID |
/proc/[pid]/mounts | Mounts of the process with PID |
/proc/[pid]/cgroup | Cgroup membership of the process with PID |
/proc/[pid]/fd | File descriptors opened by the process with PID |
/proc/[pid]/fdinfo | Detailed information about file descriptors of the process with PID |
/proc/[pid]/maps | Memory maps of the process with PID |
/proc/[pid]/smaps | Extended memory maps of the process with PID |
/proc/[pid]/mem | Memory of the process with PID |
/proc/[pid]/task | Tasks (threads) of the process with PID |
MPV Hotkeys Cheatsheet
Hotkey | Description |
Space | Toggle play/pause |
f | Toggle fullscreen |
m | Mute/unmute audio |
9 / ( | Decrease volume |
0 / ) | Increase volume |
[ | Decrease playback speed |
] | Increase playback speed |
{ | Halve playback speed |
} | Double playback speed |
backspace | Reset playback speed to normal |
Left Arrow | Seek backward 5 seconds |
Right Arrow | Seek forward 5 seconds |
Up Arrow | Seek forward 60 seconds |
Down Arrow | Seek backward 60 seconds |
Shift+Left Arrow | Seek backward 1 second |
Shift+Right Arrow | Seek forward 1 second |
Ctrl+Left Arrow | Seek backward 10 minutes |
Ctrl+Right Arrow | Seek forward 10 minutes |
. | Move forward one frame (pause required) |
, | Move backward one frame (pause required) |
o | Show file info |
I | Show codec info |
q | Quit |
Q | Force quit (without saving the resume position) |
s | Take a screenshot |
S | Take a screenshot without subtitles |
Ctrl+s | Take a screenshot and include the OSD |
T | Toggle displaying time |
Ctrl+o | Cycle through OSD (On-Screen Display) levels |
v | Toggle subtitles |
j | Cycle through subtitles |
J | Cycle through secondary subtitles |
# | Toggle subtitle visibility |
z | Adjust subtitle delay backward |
x | Adjust subtitle delay forward |
r | Rotate video |
p | Toggle between current and previous subtitle track |
l | Adjust audio delay backward |
k | Adjust audio delay forward |
Ctrl++ | Increase subtitle font size |
Ctrl+- | Decrease subtitle font size |
Alt++ | Increase subtitle border size |
Alt+- | Decrease subtitle border size |
Ctrl+r | Toggle random playback |
Ctrl+shift+r | Toggle looping playback |
Ctrl+p | Toggle playlist navigation display |
Ctrl+u | Reload playlist |
Ctrl+Enter | Toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode |
Esc | Exit fullscreen or close OSD menu |
h | Seek to the previous chapter |
l | Seek to the next chapter |
y | Adjust subtitle delay back by 0.1 seconds |
Y | Adjust subtitle delay forward by 0.1 seconds |
t | Toggle stay-on-top mode |
Ctrl+f | Toggle autofit |
Ctrl+c | Copy current file path to clipboard |
Ctrl+v | Paste URL/file path from clipboard and open |